Hours delivered back to the business
SOX compliance in Settlement process automation
Success rate of bot case completion
For functional release of OBT, RTS and OGS
The Challenge
As a new marketplace, OpenFLIS faced the challenge of appealing to two very different audiences with different behaviors: government agencies and commercial vendors.
Core challenges uncovered during the research phase were:
- Expectations: How do we meet the expectations of two completely different markets while building a consistent brand?
- Reputation Management: New companies evolve over time. How can we make a brand that evolves with the company’s products without destroying the already-built recognition and loyalty in the long-term?
- Differentiation: How do we stand out with so many software and application solutions for commercial vendors in this space?
Moox worked closely with the OpenFLIS team to uncover and put into words what will remain consistent in the long-term, and what is subject to change.
After interviews with OpenFLIS, studying the government business market, and insight analysis, Moox identified the critical value propositions for both government agencies and vendors to come together for better business.
Through the research, one thing became clear: OpenFLIS is about creating opportunity, a place where better government business is possible, against destructive monopolies.
To communicate this place of opportunity, Moox started by modifying the brand architecture design to have a single brand encompassing common values, rather than having two inconsistent brands targeting the market segments.
Differentiation works best when the brand positioning is crystal clear against competitors. Even though direct competition seemed relatively scarce, the indirect competition expanded OpenFLIS’ competitive landscape.
Therefore, to identify the best brand positioning strategy, Moox identified the relevant competitor categories and determined how OpenFLIS can communicate the values of simplicity and lowering business barriers.
The brand messaging was designed to emphasize the message of a greater purpose and prioritize the needs of the most relevant buyer persona profiles. Unlike competitors that mostly talk about product features and do not speak to the values of commercial vendors.
After cementing OpenFLIS’s core brand qualities and values, Moox developed a brand personality with key personality traits that appealed to the target audiences’ appeal when searching for OpenFLIS’ solution.


The brand strategy resulted in a visual identity and messaging that speaks to the users at the right place, the right time, and in the right way to drive business.
Moox developed the “Opportunity for Everyone” tagline to connect what the target market seeks and set the foundation for future products. The tagline also has the flexibility to be modify the subject to the marketing materials, such as Opportunity for Manufacturers, Officers, and others.
The OpenFLIS logo and visual identity is designed to communicate the brand’s value proposition for simplifying a traditionally complex process with a clean, minimalistic elements. The
The website that’s still in progress is the expression of a cohesive brand strategy that effectively moves its users to achieve marketing goals such as enlisting in the free trial and requesting product demonstration.
The unified message also resonated with OpenFLIS’ internal team, resulting in a more cohesive and collaborative marketing approach. Additionally, the company’s product development has clearer guidance in applying future brand updates.
In The Press

"OpenFLIS is poised to become the modernized backbone through which billions of Federal supply chain procurement dollars will flow annually. OpenFLIS consolidates many distinct applications into a single flexible SaaS/PaaS platform. OpenFLIS will help satisfy Defense Logistics Agency CIO directives and upper management's commitment to make better use of public cloud offerings. Synergetics has continuously excelled in delivering critical custom software and Big Data solutions to Federal Agencies, the Department of Defense (DoD), and commercial clients for 23 years."